Friday, November 23, 2012

Welcome to the third world

So I live in México and people usually come to my house to ask things, like clothes, food, etc. There's a poor neighborhood next to mine, so they come a lot. I was doing nothing using the computer, when someone knock on the door like 5 times. At first I thought... sigh 1 time would be fine... I opened the door to find 2 kids, they were like 8. The kid asked me if I had something, he said an apple, a banana, something? I broke my heart idk why if I had seen kids like this all my life, they always come. So I went to the kitchen took 2 oranges, 2 little boxes of cereal and 2 glasses of water. And gave them to them. Then I saw a woman and she asked me if I had clothes, and I told them the truth my mother hasn't take anything away. The kids were already walking away, when the boy turned back and said, thank you God bless you... I just said, God bless you too.

I don't know why, but when I closed the door I felt like crying. I see kids in the street asking for money almost everyday, people come to my house to ask for things and I've seen people looking in my garbage for things. I'm kind of used to see this. But I'm thinking since when it's normal to see starving people in streets, when there're so many rich people. Since when it's okay for a kid to work all day and walk to every house to ask for food, when they should be playing. It's not okay and I wish more people would see that. I wish people, powerful people would do something to help. It's not okay and it breaks my heart. :(
There're so many rich people here, the richest man in the world is Mexican, and there're so many people out there starving and homeless. I wish I could help but Id on't know how. :(

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Querido futuro novio:

Hola me siento bien rara haciéndote una carta, no se quien eres, no se ni siquiera si existes o si voy a tener, no se NADA de ti, tengo mucho tiempo esperándote  Pero algún día veras esto. Soy un poco penosa al principio, haz que se me quite contigo. Hazme reír yo tratare de hacerte reír. No voy a ser nadie mas que YO. Por favor quiéreme mucho, porque se que yo lo voy a hacer. Ya que me conoces sabes que no cualquiera seria mi novio, y no digo que seas afortunado, si acaso yo soy la afortunada. No me gustan, AMO los abrazos y perdón si te abrazo mucho.  Sabes te voy a querer mucho, y si tu no te rindes yo no me voy a rendir. Quiero que no solo seas mi novio, quiero que también seas mi mejor amigo. Prefiero mil veces que seas chistoso y divertido, a romántico. Yo también soy romántica pero no tanto. Te voy a tratar como te mereces, y te voy a consentir mucho. Prefiero mil veces estar en un parque en bici, jugando con agua, comiendo sandwichitos contigo, que estar en un restaurante elegante o algo así. Así que no te preocupes por las cosas materiales, porque en verdad no me interesan, mejor regalame tus sonrisas. Si no haz visto mis películas favoritas haré que las veas. Y yo voy a ver tus películas de niño, y me las vas a explicar. Quiero que me enseñes que es lo que amas. Y te haré de comer. Te voy a llevar a mis lugares favoritos y quiero ver los tuyos. Te voy a dar todo mi amor, y te voy a dar mi corazón  Y si no lo vas a poder cuidar, dime de una vez, porque ya no quiere que lo lastimen. Es lo único que te pido, no me lastimes... Porque te voy a dar todo mi amor. Haz que valga la pena! Te quiero mucho y gracias por quererme! Haré lo posible por no decepcionarte, te lo prometo.

"If somebody likes me, I want them to like the real me, not what they think I am. And I don't want them to carry it around inside. I want them to show me, so I can feel it too. I want them to be able to do whatever they want around me."