It always start with a phone call.. then suddenly you're there, dressing in black clothes walking slowly, you came in to see flowers but not in tables, flowers with names, and tables with kleenex. Then you see a kind of line to hug a special person, people are hugging each other and crying, saying "I'm sorry".
Life really does end in one second, in a car accident, a heart attack, a shot. Then you're no longer here, what happens next? You become a memory, you family and friends are still here, they are sad about it, they miss you, but life continues to them and you're nothing more than a memory, a loved one they lost. So make sure the time you are here it's worth, because that's what your loved ones will remember. Make sure you give them something nice to remember.
I don't know when my time will come, but when it does. I don't want to people cry about me, or feel sad. If I've ever touched someone's life, I hope they remember it and smile. I really hope they do.
To the persons I've lost, I remember about all of you with a smile. To the ones I didn't get to know a lot, I don't remember all the time, but time from time I do think of you. Even if we had a short conversation once, like kacho or I don't remember about you like Granny Elena. I have you in my heart, because I know you were great persons. I hope to see you one day again! <3
RIP Beautiful Angels
Granny Elena (1995)
Grandpa Toscano (1999)
Grandpa Rosendo (2001)
Uncle Marcos (2006)
Kacho (2009)
Ever (2012)
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